

Welcome to the Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh transformative Online Yoga Teacher Training Course! Our consciously curated yoga training program is designed to enhance your practice, deepen your clarity and understanding of Yoga philosophy, and thereby, provide you the right direction on the path of becoming a certified yoga instructor.

200 Hour TT Course Highlight


200 Hours


1st, 11th, & 21st of Every Month






Yoga Alliance USA


Multi Style Yoga


Beginner to intermediate



349$ 599$


Rs. 10000.00 Rs. 15000.00

Special Offer for International/Indian Students

Special Offer Available till December ! Book Your Spot Now



Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is an amalgamation of tradition and modernity with technology as the backdrop to offer an all-inclusive understanding of Yoga. Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh believes in holistic health, hence the Yoga teacher training at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is a beautiful blend of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga and Raj Yoga integrating hand, heart and head.

The founder of Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh, Minakshi Dhankhar has herself experienced the transformative power of Yoga which helped her heal some chronic health conditions and radically redefine the path of her life. Minakshi after her long stint in the corporate realm as a Human Resource Manager finally found her home in Yoga. And since 2015, yoga has become an integral part of her life. She also acquired formal education in Yoga and ranked as Topper in the Post Graduate Diploma program from Uttrakhand Sanskrit University. Well versed in all styles of Yoga, Minakshi has served as a holistic Yoga teacher in many countries like Dubai, Maldives, Thailand and so on. Thorough in her practice, compassionate in her heart and highly meticulous in her teaching, Minakshi has helped thousands of lives heal from chronic health conditions through consistent yoga practice and adopting yogic lifestyles. Minakshi is fully devoted to creating the best possible platform for disseminating the scared knowledge of Yoga in its most authentic form so that more and more teachers can get trained here and then help others transform their lives by the art and science of Yoga.

Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is for both beginners as well as advanced practitioners seeking to fine tune their practice and gain teaching acumen. Online 200 hour Yoga teacher training course at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh covers Asana, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, Meditation, Nada Yoga, Chakra Balancing and Kundalini, Mudra therapy, Ayurveda and Nutrition, Yogic Lifestyle, Ethics and Communication, and teaching skills.

Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is known for its comprehensive training on right values, ethics and communication for the aspiring Yoga teachers. Having a compassionate approach and a sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of the students is the underpinning value in all teacher training programmes at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh.

The central theme of Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh training programmes is authenticity and inclusivity. Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh believes that half and incorrect knowledge does more harm than good. Hence, the Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is strictly based on traditional & authentic Yoga wisdom and a highly systematic and experiential way of learning.

The Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh adopts multi-styled approach covering Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga and Vinayasa. Also, Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh goes extra mile in embedding ethics and values in its curriculum and encourage an environment of empathy, connection and mutual support. You will get opportunities to connect with a vibrant community of fellow seekers in the Live Q & A sessions. That will also create a space for cultural exchange and share a sense of togetherness & community.

Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh fosters an emotionally safe and nurturing environment in all its training spaces – online as well as offline. All elements in the online trainings are consciously curated to help you step into your authenticity in an environment of deep trust and sense of responsibility. The experienced teachers are here to support you at each step of your journey back to wholeness and health at all levels.

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Yoga Allience USA Certified 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Namaste Yoga India

What you will learn in Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - A glance into the Curriculum!!

  • YOGA PHILOSOPHY - IMMERSE into the rich history, meaning, philosophy, principles, goals of Yoga and its practical application in modern life

  • ASANAS – Learn fundamental asana with focus on awareness, alignment, adjustment, variation and knowledge of the therapeutic effect of each asana on body and mind.

  • MUDRA – Explore how Mudra therapy helps in the balancing of 5 vital elements – Earth, water, fire, air and space in your body. An imbalance of these 5 elements leads to disharmony in system which if remains unattended, manifests as disease. Like asanas, Mudras are gestures which create pyscho-physiological patterns in mind and promote harmony between various internal systems in body. Mudra healing helps in healing specific physiological and psychological diseases through restoring energy balance in the system.

  • ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY – Gain an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy, the physiological functions, and an understanding of the effect of each asana on the anatomy and organ health and functioning. Such knowledge helps in safety and effectiveness in practice and teaching. Knowledge of anatomy helps the practitioners bring more awareness and connection in their Asanas practice.

  • PRANYAMA AND MEDITATION – Breath is the bridge between body and mind. Breath work will help in stilling the fluctuations of the mind enabling one to have a concentrated mind. Once mind becomes still and concentrated, the self-awareness journey starts becoming effortless as all answers will start reflecting in the pure mind itself. Pranayama helps in removing the dissipations of mind and meditation helps bring one pointed concentration in mind for the seeker to progress on the journey of self-enquiry and Yoga.

  • TEACHING METHODOLOGY - Learn in depth knowledge about teaching methodologies, communication styles, ethics, class sequencing, adjustments and the art of creating an all-inclusive and engaging yoga classes.

  • ETHICS and BUSINESS - Learn the ethical guidelines and responsibilities of a yoga instructor. The course also helps you to gain understanding about the business and career aspects of Yoga for establishing yourself in the industry. LEADING WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION is the essence of Teacher Training Programme at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh.

Have questions about our 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

We understand that choosing the right yoga teacher training program is an important decision, and we're here to help. Whether you have queries about the curriculum, schedule, accommodation, or anything else, we are committed to providing you with the information you need. Our knowledgeable team is ready to address all your concerns and guide you through the process. Don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you on your yoga journey and ensure that you have a clear understanding of our program. Your questions are important to us, so let us assist you in making an informed choice.

Online Yoga Teacher Training -Digital Learning & Teaching Is the Way of Future!

Exploring how Online 200 Hour Teacher Training Course can serve you equivalently good as a traditional offline Yoga training course and yet, offer the benefit of freedom of time and place– A comparative glimpse!

  • Freedom to choose own learning environments - Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course offers much flexibility for students to create their own learning environments as per their convenience & preference to have better learning experiences. Students can creatively curate their external environment conducive to their practice and self-care. You can attend the classes from home, an ashram, a community hall or during a halt on your travel journeys. All you need is a laptop/smartphone and a strong internet connection.

  • Cost Effectiveness – Provides cost effectiveness to students as the course fee is quite nominal. You will also save considerably in terms of flight tickets and other transit costs involved in the offline courses.

  • Flexibility – Freedom of time and place – Students can learn at their own pace and place, making it accessible to people with work, family or geographical limitations.

  • Safety – Online learning ensures safety in view of the pandemic situations and other personal health concerns. You need not run yourself through the risk of food allergies & sensitivities.

  • Personal space and no feeling of displacement – Yoga is about journey into the self. Hence, online mode of learning with pre-recorded sessions provides you the space to go deeper within and avoid unnecessary engagements with external world. You can start your Yoga journey from where you are without the discomfort of moving to other place and then getting acclimatized there.

  • Re-watch option - You can watch the sessions as many times you need for full understanding.

  • More scope of feedback and assessment - Since the online yoga training is self-paced, there is better possibility of feedback and assessment of areas of improvement and reinforced learning by taking quizzes and online exams.

  • Better Retention of learning through recorded sessions by -

    1. Micro learning – Students can divide the complex yoga topics into short parts to improve absorption
    2. Revisit by repetition –Students can review key points by repetition at frequent intervals for memory reinforcement
    3. Taking Notes
    4. Self-paced learning
    5. Practice while learning –Students can pause the video and practice alongside.


Yoga Allience USA Certified 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Namaste Yoga India


Online 200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training – Hatha, Vinayasa and Ashtanga at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh

  • PRE-RECORDED VIDEOS - Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course offers much flexibility for students to create their own learning environments as per their convenience & preference to have better learning experiences. Students can creatively curate their external environment conducive to their practice and self-care. You can attend the classes from home, an ashram, a community hall or during a halt on your travel journeys. All you need is a laptop/smartphone and a strong internet connection.

  • Cost Effectiveness – Pre-recorded videos will be uploaded on the platform regularly. Also, other course content like books, notes, manuals etc will also be added onto the platform. We suggest a dedicated study time of approx. 4 hours a day for better learning outcome.

  • LIVE Q & A SESSION – There will be periodical live Q & A sessions for all your doubts and questions and also for the group to come together on a shared platform. These sessions will also be recorded and uploaded onto the platform in case you miss to attend the live session.

  • GROUP PRACTICE – There will be periodical live group practice sessions with experienced teachers at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh.

  • CERTIFICATION BY YOGA ALLIANCE – Once you complete all requirements of the course, you will get a 200 Hours Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification which enables you to register yourself as a 200 Hours RYT -Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. Namaste Yoga India will assist you in the registration process in case you face any issues.

  • DAILY SCHEDULE - Though the training is self-paced, however we suggest a devoted study & practice time of 3-4 hours a day for the knowledge to become integrated in your being. If the study hours are too scattered, it might more time to connect the dots and gain a deeper understanding of the Yoga knowledge.

  • ONE YEAR ACCESS TO COURSE CONTENT - The course contents and pre-recorded videos will be available on the platform for one year from the date of course enrollment.

  • FLEXIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE COURSE IN 6 MONTHS – You can complete the course within a time frame of 6 months from the date of course inception.

  • MENTORSHIP AND GUIDANCE – Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh will support you thorough active guidance and mentorship in your Yoga journey. You will gain access to a WhatsApp group wherein you can clarify your doubts in your practice and understanding of Yoga. You will feel a consistent sense of handholding till the time you become proficient in your Yoga practice and fully clear in your understanding about Yoga.

  • AYURVEDA LIFESTYLE AND NUTRITION - We provide a detailed session on meaning, philosophy and principles of Ayurveda, the lifestyle and nutritional awareness around Ayurveda Philosophy.

  • NADA YOGA - There will be a detailed and immersive on Nada Yoga focusing on the healing power of sound for inner integration and health.

  • ONLINE KIRTAN SESSIONS - Community gatherings by way devotional singing & Immersive Kirtans. And of course, there will be opportunities for cultural exchange and sharing of loving energies in immersive devotional singing and kirtan sessions.

Eligibility and Requirements

  • Beginner to intermediate level
  • Open for people with medical issues, however they need to discuss this with their consulting doctor first and then with our Yoga school before planning to book the course.
  • One needs to have a smartphone / laptop and a strong internet connection.

200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher training- Syllabus and Curriculum

The curriculum is according to the Yoga Alliance standards and the team intends to educate you with a passionate approach, keeping you engaged with the skills gained from several years of experience. They will try their best to solve your queries and doubts and will try to give you new perspectives to look on your quest to grow into a teacher from being a student.

This 200-hour online yoga teacher training invites every individual regardless of your personal experience in yoga. That means you can enrol for the course even if you are a beginner who is unsure about becoming a teacher, or you are practicing yoga for a long time, or you just want to get more authentic knowledge about yoga as a concept to strengthen your practice.

Yoga Philosophy

Patanjali is the father of yoga. Philosophy is the core concept that builds the globally practiced form of well-being yoga. Yoga philosophy is going to strengthen you with scriptural evidence-proof yoga.

Introduction to yoga

  • Origin of yoga
  • Different paths of yoga
  • Samkhya darshan
  • Vedanta darshan
  • Obstacles and how to overcome

Ashtanga yoga (8 limbs)

  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharna
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi

Hatha yoga

  • Pancha koshas
  • Anamaya kosha
  • Pranmaya kosha
  • Manomaya kosha
  • Jananmaya kosha
  • Anandmaya kosha

Human anatomy and physiology

  • Human anatomy
  • Introduction
  • Skeletal system
  • Joints
  • Muscular system
  • Digestive system
  • Respiratory system
  • Endocrine system
  • Nervous system
  • Physiology of meditation
  • Lesson planning, practical and written session

Physiology of yoga asana

  • Standing
  • Backbends
  • Forward bends
  • Twists
  • Inversions

Mantra chanting

Mantras are repetitive hymns that benefit yoga practice and assist the yogi to awaken the self and extend the meditative and practical aspects of yoga. It facilitates peaceful vibrations for the practitioners and creates an atmosphere of serenity.

  • Ganesha mantra
  • Gayatri mantra
  • Guru mantra
  • Shanti mantra
  • Om chanting

Yoga teaching methodology and yoga alignment

You cannot effectively teach an asana session unless you know how to devise modifications for the students who cannot perform the postures with ease. This class is focusing on the techniques to prepare variations of asana and the way to explain.

Asana and pranayama practice session

This class focuses on creating a syllabus that covers important asanas and the ideal method to teach them. You will learn how to adjust the poses. The practice of asana and pranayama is important for a yogi to solidify the mind, body, and soul. You will be having rehearsals of numerous yoga asana and techniques of pranayama to get the physical posture and enable the conscious and proper control of the breath.

Cleansing practice

  • Kapalbhati
  • Neti
  • Tratak

Standing yoga postures

  • Tadasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Padhastha asana
  • Utthita trikonasana
  • Parivrit trikonasana
  • Utthita parvakonasana
  • Parivrit parvakonasana
  • Veerbhadrasana I
  • Veerbhadrasana II
  • Veerbhadrasana III
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Parvottotanasana
  • Prasarit padotanasana

Inverted Yoga Posture

  • Sirsasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Pincha mayurasana
  • Adho mukha vrkshasana

Backbend yoga postures

  • Bhujangasana
  • Salabhasana
  • Matsya asana
  • Kandharasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Setu asana
  • Rajkapot asana

Forward bend and yoga postures

  • Paschimottanasana
  • Janu shirsasana
  • Ardh badh padam paschimottanasana
  • Adho mukha savanasana

Twisted toga postures

  • Ardh matyendrasana
  • Kati chakrasana
  • Markat asana
  • Parivrit janu shirsasana

Balancing yoga postures

  • Bak dhyan asana
  • Mayurasana
  • Natraj asana
  • Garudasana
  • Vrkshasana

Relaxing yoga poses

  • Shasankasana
  • Makarasana
  • Savasana

Breathing Techniques

  • Yogic breathing
  • Nadi shodhan
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika
  • Ujjayi
  • Bhramari

Meditative yoga postures

  • Sukhasana
  • Padamasana
  • Vajrasana

Meditational yoga postures

  • Trataka
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Mantra chanting
  • Yog mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Yog mudra
  • Gyan mudra
  • Vishnu mudra

Recommended books

Spend a little time on some yoga literature. Some yoga books can be recommended:

  • Hatha Yoga pradipika by Swami Satyananda saraswati
  • Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyenger
  • Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandhas
  • The science of pranayama
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Yoga anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff

Yoga in Daily Life

  • Flexible duration
  • This is a self-paced training session. You can extend your course for 1 year, students who complete their training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).


  • Extra discounts on future training programmes and retreats – both offline and online
  • One-year access to recorded videos
  • Community support – Get connected to a vibrant yoga community at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh through a WhatsApp community group
  • Mentorship and guidance through WhatsApp group even after course completion
  • Live Q & A sessions with experienced teachers.
  • Opportunities to Volunteer– Depending upon the availability, seriousness of the practitioners and other factors, there might be opportunities for volunteering at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh for your future visit to Rishikesh.
  • Nada Yoga session – Experience the healing power of sounds in an immersive Nada Yoga Session. It will bring relaxation to your nervous system and create a sense of harmony in your body and mind.
  • Career guidance for embarking on your journey in Yoga Business or as a Yoga teacher.
  • Invitation for attending guest lectures / seminars by Yoga experts
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Internship opportunities
  • Access to Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh India app –Easy and friendly way to access learning resources and staying connected with teachers
  • Online books, and handouts.

Please note that the students will have same support and guidance from Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh as the graduates of the traditional offline training programmes.


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Access all classes and course content on a single platform on Namaste Yoga India App. You will have the ease of navigation as multiple resources will be available in a single platform.

You will also get tips on nutrition and yoga lifestyle. Also, the app will also keep you posted with research journals and other relevant Yoga Literature beyond the course curriculum.

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