Embark your journey of healing & transformation through Yoga at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh!!
Experience peace, connection and healing through Online Yoga Teacher Training Course at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh! The 300 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course is a well-detailed programme to deepen your practice, clarity and and understanding of Yoga philosophy, and thereby, providing the right direction on your journey towards self-realization.

200 Hour TT Course Highlight

300 Hours
1st, 11th, and 21st of Every Month
Yoga Alliance USA
Multi Style Yoga
Beginner to intermediate

490$ 550$
Rs. 10000.00 Rs. 15000.00
Special Offer for International/Indian Students
Special Offer Available till December ! Book Your Spot Now

Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh beautifully blends tradition and modernity with technology as the backdrop to offer an all-inclusive understanding of Yoga. Namaste Yoga India provides an integrated training framework for complete blossoming of your being -combining Karma Yoga (Hand), Bhakti Yoga (Heart), Gyan Yoga (Head).
The founder of Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh, Minakshi Dhankhar has herself experienced the transformative power of Yoga which helped her heal some chronic health conditions and radically redefine the path of her life. Minakshi after her long stint in the corporate realm as a Human Resource Manager finally found her home in Yoga. And since 2015, yoga has become an integral part of her life. She also acquired formal education in Yoga and ranked as Topper in the Post Graduate Diploma program from Uttrakhand Sanskrit University. Well versed in all styles of Yoga, Minakshi has served as a holistic Yoga teacher in many countries like Dubai, Maldives, Thailand and so on. Thorough in her practice, compassionate in her heart and highly meticulous in her teaching, Minakshi has helped thousands of lives heal from chronic health conditions through consistent yoga practice and adopting yogic lifestyles. Minakshi is fully devoted to creating the best possible platform for disseminating the scared knowledge of Yoga in its most authentic form so that more and more teachers can get trained here and then help others transform their lives by the art and science of Yoga.
Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is for all levels of practioners –beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners seeking to fine tune their practice and gain teaching expertise. Online 300-hour Yoga teacher training course at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh covers Asana, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, Meditation, Nada Yoga, Chakra Balancing and Kundalini, Mudra therapy, Ayurveda and Nutrition, Yogic Lifestyle, Ethics and Communication, and teaching skills.
Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is known for its comprehensive training on values, communication, ethics and responsibilities for the aspiring Yoga teachers. Having a compassionate approach and a sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of the students is the central idea in all the teacher training programmes at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh.
What makes the Yoga training programmes at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh truly stand apart is authenticity and inclusivity. Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh believes that half and incorrect knowledge does more harm than good as it can create more conflict and disintegration in mind. Hence, the Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is strictly based on traditional & authentic Yoga wisdom and a highly systematic and experiential way of learning.
The Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh is a multi-styled training programme covering Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga and Vinayasa. Also, Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh goes extra mile in embedding ethics and values in its curriculum and encourage an environment of empathy, connection and mutual support. You will get opportunities to connect with a vibrant community of fellow seekers in the Live Q & A sessions. That will also create a space for cultural exchange and share a sense of togetherness & community.
Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh fosters an emotionally safe, non-judgmental and nurturing environment in all its training spaces – online as well as offline. All elements in the online trainings are consciously curated to help you step into your authenticity in an environment of deep trust and sense of responsibility. The experienced teachers are here to support you at each step of your journey back to wholeness and health at all levels.
Quick Enquiry Form - YTTC
Quick Enquiry Form - YTTC

Yoga Allience USA Certified 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Namaste Yoga India
Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - A glimpse into the Curriculum!!

YOGA PHILOSOPHY - Learn about the rich history, meaning, philosophy, principles, goals of Yoga and its practical application in modern life.
ASANAS with AWARENESS – Students will experience the transformative power of Asanas on body and mind. During all the sessions, there is increased focus on awareness, alignment, adjustment, variation and knowledge of the therapeutic effect of each asana on body and mind.
MUDRA – There will be detailed study on the healing power of Mudras. Mudras therapy is known for its benefits in alleviation of pyscho-somatic ailments by balancing of five elements -earth, water, fire, air and space in your body. An imbalance of these vital elements leads to disharmony in system which if remains unattended, manifests as disease. Like asanas, Mudras are gestures creating pyscho-physiological patterns in mind. Mudras with consistent practice promotes harmony between various internal systems in body. Once the five elements are balanced in the system, pranic energy is harmonized in the entire system and health is restored to optimal levels.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY – Gain an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy, the physiological functions, and an understanding of the effect of each asana on the anatomy and organ health and functioning. Such knowledge helps in safety and effectiveness in practice and teaching. Knowledge of anatomy helps the practitioners bring more awareness and connection in their Asanas practice.
PRANYAMA AND MEDITATION – Breath is the link between body and mind. Pranayama helps in stilling the fluctuations of the mind which leads to concentration of mind. Once mind becomes still and concentrated, the self-awareness journey starts becoming effortless as all answers will start reflecting in the pure mind itself. While Pranayama helps in removing the dissipations of mind, meditation brings one pointed concentration in mind for the seeker to progress on the journey of self-enquiry and Yoga.
TEACHING METHODOLOGY - - Learn in depth knowledge about teaching methodologies, communication styles, ethics, class sequencing, adjustments and the art of creating an all-inclusive and engaging yoga classes.
ETHICS and BUSINESS - Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh gives a lot of emphasis on the ethical dimensions and responsibilities of a yoga instructor. Leading with compassion and love is the essence of all the Yoga Teacher Training programmes at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh. There will be detailed training on Yoga Communication, ethics and responsibilities of a Yoga Teacher. The course also helps you to gain understanding about the business and career aspects of Yoga for establishing yourself in the industry.
Have questions about our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

We understand that choosing the right yoga teacher training program is an important decision, and we're here to help. Whether you have queries about the curriculum, schedule, accommodation, or anything else, we are committed to providing you with the information you need. Our knowledgeable team is ready to address all your concerns and guide you through the process. Don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you on your yoga journey and ensure that you have a clear understanding of our program. Your questions are important to us, so let us assist you in making an informed choice.
Exploring how online Yoga Learning & Teaching can help in your healing journey!!

With your dedication and sincere efforts, an Online 300 Hour Teacher Training Course will not only serve equally good as a traditional in-person Yoga training course, but also provide freedom in terms of flexibility of choosing your own time and space.
Freedom to create own learning environments – you can create your own sacred spaces for learning Yoga! - Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course offers much flexibility for students to create their own learning environments as per their convenience & preference to have better learning experiences. Students can consciously choose their external environment conducive to their practice and self-care. You can attend the classes from home, an ashram, a community hall or during a halt on your travel journeys. All you need is a laptop/smartphone and a strong internet connection.
Cost Effectiveness – Since course fee for online training programmes is quite nominal, it becomes very light on your budget. Moreover, you will also save considerably in terms of flight tickets and other transit costs.
Flexibility – Freedom of time and place – Students have the flexibility to choose their own pace and place, making it accessible to people with work, family or geographical limitations.
Safety – In view of the pandemic situations for the past few years and other personal health concerns, the online Yoga trainings provides safety from external environment. You will also avoid the risk of food allergies & sensitivities by learning from the comfort of your own space.
Personal space and no feeling of displacement – Yoga is about journey into the self. Hence, online mode of learning with pre-recorded sessions provides you the space to go deeper within and avoid unnecessary engagements with external world. You can start your Yoga journey from where you are without the discomfort of moving to other place and then getting acclimatized there.
Re-watch as many times you may need - You can watch the sessions as many times you need for complete understanding of the concept.
More scope of feedback and assessment - Since the online yoga training is self-paced, there is better possibility of feedback and assessment of areas of improvement and reinforced learning by taking quizzes and online exams.
Better Retention and integration of learning through recorded sessions by -
- Micro learning – Since the online training programme is self-paced, it allows students to divide the complex yoga topics into short parts to improve absorption.
- Revision and review of important concepts–Students can review key points by repetition at frequent intervals for memory reinforcement
- Notes –Students can pause the video and take proper notes.
- Self-paced learning
- Practice while learning –Students can pause the video and practice alongside.
Yoga Allience USA Certified 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Namaste Yoga India
Online 300 Hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training – Hatha, Vinayasa and Ashtanga at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh

PRE-RECORDED VIDEOS - Pre-recorded Yoga videos will be uploaded on the portal regularly. Additionally, other course content like books, notes, manuals etc will also be regularly added onto the platform. We suggest a dedicated study time of approx. 4 hours a day for better learning outcome.
LIVE Q & A SESSION – Students will get chance to participate in periodical live Q & A sessions for all your doubts and questions. These sessions also provide a chance for the group to come together on a shared platform. These sessions will also be recorded and uploaded onto the platform in case you miss to attend the live session.
GROUP PRACTICE – There will also be live group practice sessions under the guidance of experienced teachers at Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh.
CERTIFICATION BY YOGA ALLIANCE – On completion of all requirements of the course, you will get a 300 Hours Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification which enables you to register yourself as a 300 Hours RYT -Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. Additionally, Namaste Yoga India will assist you in the registration process in case you face any issues.
DAILY SCHEDULE - The Yoga Training programme at Namaste India is self-paced, however we do suggest students to sincerely devote approx. 3-4 hours a day for study and practice for the knowledge to become integrated in your being. If the study and practice is not consistent and regular, the student might face difficulty in integrating the various concepts and gain a deeper understanding of the Yoga knowledge.
ONE YEAR ACCESS TO COURSE CONTENT - The course contents and pre-recorded videos will be available on the platform for one year from the course begin date.
FLEXIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE COURSE IN 6 MONTHS – Students have the option to complete the course within a time frame of 6 months from the date of course inception.
MENTORSHIP AND GUIDANCE – Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh will support you thorough active guidance and mentorship in your Yoga journey. You will gain access to a WhatsApp group wherein you can clarify your doubts in your practice and understanding of Yoga. You will feel a consistent sense of handholding till the time you become proficient in your Yoga practice and fully clear in your understanding about Yoga.
AYURVEDA LIFESTYLE AND NUTRITION - We provide a comprehensive two-hour session on meaning, philosophy and principles of Ayurveda. The session also includes awareness and guidance on Ayurveda lifestyle, nutrition and daily and seasonal regime as per the principles of Ayurveda.
NADA YOGA - – A deeply immersive sound healing session to induce deep healing and harmony in the system. Nada Yoga helps in chakra balancing and removing deep rooted blockages from the body-mind. Students will also get a chance to learn about the philosophy of Nada Yoga.
ONLINE KIRTAN SESSIONS - Community gatherings by way devotional singing & Immersive Kirtans. And of course, there will be opportunities for cultural exchange and sharing of loving energies in immersive devotional singing and kirtan sessions.

Eligibility and Requirements
- All levels –Beginner, intermediate and advanced level
- People with medical issues can also apply, however they need to provide doctor consultation and permission report before applying for the course.
- One needs to have a smartphone / laptop and a strong internet connection.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher training- Syllabus and Curriculum

The curriculum is according to the Yoga Alliance standards and the team intends to educate you with a passionate approach, keeping you engaged with the skills gained from several years of experience. They will try their best to solve your queries and doubts and will try to give you new perspectives to look on your quest to grow into a teacher from being a student.
This 200-hour online yoga teacher training invites every individual regardless of your personal experience in yoga. That means you can enrol for the course even if you are a beginner who is unsure about becoming a teacher, or you are practicing yoga for a long time, or you just want to get more authentic knowledge about yoga as a concept to strengthen your practice.
Mantra Chanting

Mantras are repetitive hymns that benefit yoga practice and assist the yogi to awaken the self and extend the meditative and practical aspects of yoga. It facilitates peaceful vibrations for the practitioners and creates an atmosphere of serenity.
- Ganesha Mantra
- Gayatri mantra
- Guru Mantra
- Shanti Mantra
- Om Chanting
Ashtanga Yoga

Standing Postures
- Samasthiti
- Sun salutation (A & B)
- Padangushtasana
- Pada hastasana
- UtthitaTrikonasana
- ParivrittaTrikonasana
- UtthitaParshvakonasana
- ParivrittaParshvakonasana
- PrasaritaPadottanasana (A, B, C & D)
- Parshvottanasana
Finishing Postures
- SalambaSarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- UrdhvaPadmasana
- Pindasana
- Matsyasana
- UttanaPadasana
- Shirshasana
- BaddhaPadmasana
- Yoga Mudra
- Padmasana
- UthPluthi (Tolasana)
- Shavasana
Intermediate Postures
- Pashasana
- Krounchasana
- Shalabhasana A, B
- Bhekasana
- Dhanurasana
- Parsvadhanurasana
- Ustrasana
- LaghuVajrasana
- Kapotasana
- SuptaVajrasana
- Bakasana
- Bharadvajasana
- ArdhaMatsyendraasana
- EkapadaSirsasana A, B, C
- DwipadaSirsasana B
- Yoga nidrasana
- Tittibhasana A, B, C
- PinchaMayurasana
- Karandavasana
- Mayurasana
- Nakrasana
- Vatayanasana
- Parighasana
- Gomukhasana A, B, C
- SuptaUrdhvapadaVajrasana A, B
- Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
- Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D
- UrdhvaDhanurasana
- Drop back to UrdhvaDhanurasana
- Paschimattanasana
Hatha Yoga

The primary objectives of Hatha Yoga is:-
- Longevity and strength
- Strengthen and quiet the mind
- Awaken the Kundalini
The basics will be thought so that the body can adjust for the advanced level. Once you gain the confidence to hold the postures for longer period, then progress which appears almost like a smooth flow.
Listed below are the asana series that will be practiced:-
- Sun Salutation
- Chakra awareness
- Moon Salutation
- Standing intermediate and advance postures
- Kneeling posture series
- Sitting Posture series
- Forward bending posture series
- Backward bending posture series
- Supinated posture series
- Pronated postures series
- Inversion’s series
- Twisting postures series
- Balancing Postures series
- Relaxing Posture series
- Meditative asana series
Vinyasa yoga

- You will be learning to create flows
- Breath awareness
- Continuous practice

- Mudras plays an important role to uplift our energy easily.
- Hast Mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Linga Mudra
- Bhairava Mudra
- Bhairavi Mudra
- Energy Mudra
- ViparitaKarnai Mudra
- Mahabandha Mudra
- Mahabheda Mudra
- Kundalini Mudra
- Ashwini Mudra
- Vajroli Mudra
- Sahajoli Mudra
- Shambhavi Mudra

Sound : Lam
Location : Between anus and genitals
Petal : Four Petals
Color : Red
Sound :Vam
Location : At root of the genitals
Petal : Six Petals
Color : Orange
Sound : Ram
Location : Navel
Petal : Ten Petals
Color : Yellow
Sound : Yam
Location : Right of the physical heart
Petal : Twelve Petals
Color : Green/Pink
Sound : Ham
Location : Throat
Petal : Sixteen Petals
Color : Blue
Sound : Om
Location : Between the eyebrows
Petal : Two Petals
Color : Indigo
Sound : Silence
Location : Above the physical skull
Petal : One Thousand Petals
Color : Violet, Gold,White
Alignment & Adjustment

- Role of alignment in daily practice
- How to balance chakras
- Importance of alignment
- Different aspects of alignment
- Alleviate the risk of injuries
- Understand the mobility of joints
- Alignment based on muscles
- Upper Limb and Lower Limb alignment
- Head and neck alignment
- Spinal alignment
- Basic alignment
- How to bring the body in balance
- Create an equality between body and mind
- What is Yoga adjustment?
- Why adjustment is required?
- Adjustments during yoga classes?
- Right techniques of adjustment?
- How to exercise a bandhas during yoga poses?
- Exploring the variations of each yoga pose
- How to self- adjust in a posture?
- Methods of adjusting others during the class
- Uses of props to achieve a proper posture
- Body weight distribution
Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

Yoga Philosophy in this 300 Hour is much more intensive and in depth. We will be focusing on Patanjali yoga sutras, Karma yoga, Bhagwada Gita, Samkhya darshan etc.
Week 1. Entering to the World ofYoga Samadhi
- What is Yoga
- How to achieve Samadhi
- Yoga discipline
- Different states of mind
- How to control the mind
- Why Samadhi
- Controlling right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep & memory
- The benefit of practice & non attachment
- How to master self-practice
- Types of Samadhi
- Know about born Yogi
- Different ways to achieve Samadhi
- What is God
- Obstacles of Yoga
- Experience of highest Samadhi
Week 2: Original practice of Yoga (Yoga Sadhana)
- How to do Tapasya (Intense practice of Yoga)
- How to do Swadhyaya (Self-Analysis, self-discovery)
- How to do Self-surrender
- Kriya Yoga
- What is ignorance and emotional attachment
- How to lesser your pain
- How your past life influences your pain and pleasure
- What is pleasure & pain (sukha&dukha)
- How pain lives with you and how it generates and vanishes
- Clear perception, right action, stability, control of sense organ and experience of self is the source of liberation
- How to achieve total withdrawal and separation of mundane psychology
- Vivekakhyati – insight discrimination
- Eight limbs of yoga
Week 3: Miracles and gift of Yoga (Vibhuti Yoga)
- What is concentration?
- What is meditation?
- External and internal yoga
- How a yogi knows the past and future
- How do you understand the language of animals
- How it’s possible to know about the past life
- How a Yogi make their body’s invisible
- How Yogi’s receive the knowledge of the entire cosmos
- How cessation of hunger and thrust is achieved
- How to acquire complete stillness
- How can one have knowledge of mind
- Siddhis are helpful or hindrance
- How can one enter in another’s body
- How can a Yogi walk on thorns and water
- How can we achieve the divine sense of hearing
- How can one make the body as light as cotton wool that can soar in sky
- Achieving glorification and indestructibleness of the bodily qualities.
Week 4: Life receive Endless Grace and freedom – Yoga Kaivalya
- How Siddhi generates
- How to achieve Kaivalya(liberation)
- Revise: first week- Samadhi Yoga
- Revise: second week –Sadhana Yoga
- Revise Third week –Vibhuti Yoga
- Revise fourth week – Kaivalya Yoga

In this 300 hour Course our meditation becomes effortless, natural. Students are thought the advanced techniques of meditation by which one can master the true Self.
Meditation Timetable
- Week 1: Strengthening Foundation of meditation
- Week 2: Deepen the focus and mindfulness
- Week 3: Advanced meditation techniques
- Week 4: Awareness Practice
- What is mind and why meditation?
- Why mind becomes restless?
- Brain waves during meditation
- Importance of music in meditation
- Emotional purification
- Remembering the past
- How to reach samadhi
- Advancing your foundation in meditation
- Awareness and mindfulness
- Jyoti Tratak meditation
- Nada Meditation Practices
- Advance mantra meditation
- Active Meditation Practices
- Dynamic meditation
- Contemplative walking
- Meditation for Muladhar Chakra
- Meditation for Swadhisthana Chakra
- Meditation for Manipura Chakra
- Meditation for Anahata Chakra
- Meditation for Visuddhi Chakra
- Meditation for Ajna Chakra
- Meditation for Sahasrara Chakra
- Kundalini Meditation
- Vipasana Meditation Practices
- Breath Awareness Practice
- Mindfulness and Sensation
- Mantra Japa
- Silence Practice

Yoga and Ayurveda works together as a science, Ayurveda is about proper health management and is a science of self-healing that all trainees need to understand in order to upskill the students. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda class.
Basic Principles and Introduction Of Ayurveda
- Fundamentals of Ayurveda
- Tridoshas- ( Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
- Prakriti- Know Your Constitution
- PanchaMahabhuta
- Prakriti (Body Constitution)
- Vikarti
- Sapata Dhatu (Body Elements)
- Mala (Waste Products)
- Sarotas (Body Channels)
- Agni (Digestive Fire)
- Kosta (Alimentary Tract)
- Ama (metabolic toxins)
Anatomy & Physiology

Yoga Anatomy is one of the most important subjects for yoga teachers, as a Yogi has to know what his body is doing while practicing Yoga, as well as knowing the limitations of the body.
Physical Anatomy
- Cells and Tissues
- Function of cells
- Digestive system
- Circulatory system
- Endocrine system
- Skin Anatomy
- Yoga and physical transformation
- Hormone secretion in Yoga
- Effects of pranayama in respiratory system
- Effects of Yoga practice in digestive system
- Muscular and skeletal system
- how to avoid injury in asana class
- Anatomy of pelvic griddle and spine
Spiritual Anatomy
- Energy channel
- Anatomy of Muladhara Chakra
- Anatomy of Swadhisthana Chakra
- Anatomy of Manipura Chakra
- Anatomy of Anahata Chakra
- Anatomy of Visuddhi Chakra
- Anatomy of Ajna Chakra
- Anatomy of Sahasrara Chakra
- Chakras
- Kundalini
- Panchakosha
Bandha (Energy Lock)

In this 300 hour you will grab the knowledge to elevate the practice techniques to stimulate our blocked energy.
Here is what you will learn:
- Energy Locks and kundalini awakening
- Unblock your system with the flow of energy
- Unlocking theknots, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
- Precautions
- Health with spiritual benefits
Practices (Beginners and Intermediate Level)
- Agnisar kriya
- Advancing the internal retention
- Advancing the external retention
- Mulabandha – anal lock
- Uddiyana Bandha – abdominal lock
- Jalandhara Bandha – throat lock
- Maha Bandha – great lock
- Hasta Band-hand lock
- Pada Bandha- Feet lock
Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

In this 300 Hours Yoga teacher training course pranayama is taught at an advanced level so that trainees can experience the deeper powers of the prana. You will learn how pranayama can be used to heal body and mind. So that in the end of the course you will have skills to educate others.
Weekly stages of experience.
- Week 1:Moving towards the advancement of pranayama practices
- Week 2: Variations and experiments
- Week 3: Breathing for nadis and chakras
- Week 4: Teaching practices and advancing the practice
Discussion for study of Pranayama:
- Pranayama- link of happiness
- Physiology of prana
- Elements in nature of prana
- Prana body types
- Prana and it routes
- How prana flows in the body
- Relationship between prana & consciousness
- Number of breaths we take
- Research on prana - to obtain favourable outcome
- Health parameter with breath length
Practices of Pranayama
- Upper chest -Clavicular Pranayama
- Middle chest - Thoracic Pranayama
- Diaphragmatic Pranayama
- Full body Yogic Pranayama
- Om Chant Pranayama
- Nadishodhanam Pranayama
- Bhastrika Pranayama
- Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Bhramari Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Shitli Pranayama
- Shitkari Pranayama
- Surya bhedi Pranayama
- Chandra bhedi Pranayama
Yoga Kriya (Shatkarma)

Practicing Shatkarma will detox you and prepares you to understand your inner being. By removing the physical, mental and emotional durt you enter into your real Self. That is why Shatkarma is very important to practice. In this advanced course students are thought advanced Shatkarma that demands expert guidance and care.
- Understanding the 11 major systems
- Why purification is necessary
- What does the scriptures of Hatha Yoga Pradipikasay
- Precautions
Knowledge imparted
- Vamana Kriya
- VastraDhauti
- Laghu Sankha Prakyalana
- Nauli Kriya
- Vyaghra Kriya
Teaching Methodology

- Demonstration
- Alignment
- Instructions
- Extra discounts on courses in the future – both offline and online.
- One-year access to video recordings.
- Community support – Share your Yoga journey with a peer group at Namaste Yoga India. You will get the chance to connect with a community of fellow practitioners through the Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh WhatsApp community group.
- Cultural exchange – Experience cultural exchange in the regular online group sessions where you get to practice together with participants across the world and engage in meaningful conversations related to your Yoga journey.
- Regular guidance and mentorship by senior teachers through the WhatsApp group even after course completion.
- Live Q & A sessions with experienced teachers.
- Opportunities to Volunteer – There will be a host of volunteering opportunities if you want to visit Rishikesh in the future for your practice. However, volunteer opportunities depend on factors like availability and sincerity of the students.
- Nada Yoga session – Immerse in the healing energies of sound in a complimentary Nada Yoga session. A consistent practice of sound healing induces deep relaxation in your nervous system and harmony in body and mind.
- Career counseling – Namaste Yoga India provides thorough guidance to its students in their career journeys in Yoga Business or as a Yoga teacher.
- Opportunities to attend educational events like guest lectures and seminars by eminent Yoga experts through Namaste Yoga India.
- Scholarship option.
- Internship opportunities – paid as well as unpaid.
- Access to Namaste Yoga India, Rishikesh India app – An easy and friendly way to access learning resources and stay connected with teachers.
- Online study material and handouts.
IMPORTANT: Namaste Yoga India provides equal support and guidance to students of Online Yoga training programmes as it does to in-person and offline training programmes.

Access all classes and course content on a single platform on Namaste Yoga India App. You will have the ease of navigation as multiple resources will be available in a single platform.
You will also get tips on nutrition and yoga lifestyle. Also, the app will also keep you posted with research journals and other relevant Yoga Literature beyond the course curriculum.