500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh

In today’s fast-paced world, advancements are ever-changing yet comforting human lives to a great extent. It is one of the reasons which gives space to lethargy and procrastination among people. Thus, it is crucial to consider health & fitness and overlook all those poor habits that worsen your lifestyle. Yoga is an effective and success-proven physical activity that not only enriches one’s physical health but also aligns with mental well-being. With regular yoga and meditation practices, every individual can attain their fitness goals and elevate their lifestyle. We at Namaste Yoga India provide 500 hours yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to assist every yoga enthusiast with the apt knowledge and techniques of the meditative world.

Namaste Yoga India: Your Guide to Master the Art of Yoga

If you’re a beginner and seek to grow while connecting with thousands of yogis to improve your physical and mental well-being, Namaste Yoga India is the foremost platform for you. By signing up for the 500 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, you join hands with all those numerous yoga devotees who connect their souls with God and immerse themselves in peace, purpose, and enlightenment. From helping you to master the art of yoga to correcting you at every step in the meditative journey, Namaste Yoga India is a voice for all those aspirants who seek to grow and develop their inner peace.

We aim to bring back the change and help people connect with the ancient roots of yoga which have been forgotten in today’s time. Our meticulously curated diverse range of yoga courses are end-to-end transformative and make you lead your life like never before. If you are among one of those individuals who desperately hunt for a purpose and balance in your life but are unable to focus and step ahead towards your life’s goals, you can register for our yoga courses and witness the desired bliss, balance, and harmony on your own.

Be The Change You Want with 500 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

Not only those committed to their physical fitness can opt for yoga classes, but also the individuals who are new to the meditative odyssey and hunting for personal growth and self-discovery can enroll for our 500 hour yoga course. This course is carefully crafted by our yoga specialists to give a comprehensive and life-changing experience to the learners to bring the desired light into their lives. We are certain that our yoga learning would help every person in the class bring about the change that they have been longing for years.

Furthermore, our specialized yoga classes would help yoga enthusiasts to grow not only as yogi but also as a human in their lives. We welcome everyone in our courses despite their physical strength and experience in the meditative world. Whether you are a beginner seeking to embark as a yogi or a seasoned yoga devotee who is looking to enhance their skills and different meditation techniques, you can be part of our 500 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh. Here is how yoga will bring a new light and new energy into your life.

  • Inner Peace: Only a few people are blessed with inner peace in today’s time. The reason for this is a lack of emotional control and poor mental health. Yoga, on the other hand, results in emotional balance and helps the aspirants to find rare inner peace. While immersing in yoga practices, one can learn self-control and perceive the world from a different sight where calm and composure rule the pessimistic mindset. With such grace and good mental well-being, anyone can readily navigate life's bigger challenges without whimpering.

  • Enhance Well-being: Yoga works way beyond physical fitness. Anyone who often feels demotivated can delve deeper into the advanced training sessions of yoga and experience a coveted transformation within a short span only. Yoga acts as a powerful weapon to improve physical strength, enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and enrich the concentration of an individual for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

  • Career focus: Sometimes lack of physical and mental strength leads to major problems in life. One such critical problem could be career dissatisfaction or objective breakdown. A strong mindset can work best to overcome such hurdles. Yoga is an interactive and robust exercise of the mind that helps you build focus, retain concentration, and construct self-esteem to excel in life's happenings. From comprehensive bliss to career contentment, meditation practices are another treasure to employ for career upliftment.

  • Spiritual Growth: One might not be able to connect with one's inner self unless one learns the true meaning of sacrifice, purpose, and fulfillment. That’s when yoga occupies the emptiness and leads the game. All the meditation practices provide a path to self-realization where a person can connect with his real self and perceive the world rightly. Yoga deepens spiritual awareness and fosters a sense of accomplishment, sacrifice, and purpose.

  • Positive Relationships: A positive mindset leads to positive deeds and can be reflective in the relationships as well. As an individual grows by delving deeper into the yoga and meditation practices, one would also notice a positive shift in all his relationships. From learning to socialize to behave in different situations, yoga boosts humanity, qualities, patience, and understanding in a person.

Connect with Namaste Yoga India Today!

Namaste Yoga India is a Yoga Alliance Certified platform that has taught countless learners for years. It boasts a team of skilled and professional yoga teachers who assist every individual to expand not just in physical but also mental abilities. From lifelong learning to mastering the art of yoga, anyone irrespective of gender, age, and physical strength can opt for our yoga courses. Our top-notch and success-proven 500 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is an online yoga course for 500 hours which takes the yoga aspirant directly to the enchanting beauty of Rishikesh surrounded by Ganga and the Himalayas. The learner can experience the breathtaking landscapes of Rishikesh and learn under the lap of the Himalayas in the comfort of their home. This course offers both recorded and live classes, ensuring flexibility for everyone, whether a stay-at-home parent, a studying student, or a working professional. Sign up for our exclusive yoga and meditation courses today and witness the desired transformation on your own.

500 Hours Yoga Teaching Training Objective

It is Primarily taught in English, followed by Sanskrit and Hindi language as well. This training program is the platform for you to be a motivational Yoga Teacher. The training by itself will build you a solid foundation in Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga. The programme is taught in traditional and calm environment in which it will encourage, support and guide to learn more about oneself. Join here prepared to push yourself mentally and physically to attain your goal to become a Yoga Teacher.

  • Develop your own personal daily practice.
  • Develop the practice of pranayama, kriyas, mudras and Dhyana
  • Learn the relationship between anatomy and yogic practices.
  • Learn the Patanjali yoga sutra and learn how to incorporate them into the daily life and practice.
  • Learn to teach a class and learn how to structure a class.
  • Learn to design your own class.

Upcoming 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Course Dates Fee (Shared Room) Fee (Private Room) Booking Status
2nd Jun to 25th Jun 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Jul to 25th Jul 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Aug to 25th Aug 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Sep to 25th Sep 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Oct to 25th Oct 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Nov to 25th Nov 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available
2nd Dec to 25th Dec 2024 999 USD 1299 USD Available

Note: Online Course Fee is USD 349 for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher training- Syllabus and Curriculum

The Curriculum is according to the yoga alliance standards and we intend to educate you with a passionate approach, keeping you engaged with the skills gained from several years of experience. We will try our best to solve your queries and doubts and will try to give you new perspectives to look on your quest to grow into a teacher from being a student.

Our 200 Hours yoga teacher training invites every individual regardless of your personal experience in Yoga. That means you can enroll for the Course even if you are a beginner who is unsure about becoming a teacher, or you are practicing yoga for the long time, or you just want to get more authentic knowledge about yoga as a concept to strengthen your practice. Book now and join thousands of other charming people who attain the ability to create and spread positive vibes through yoga.

Patanjali Yog Sutras
Patanjali is the father of yoga. Philosophy is the core concept which builds the globally practiced form of well being yoga. Yoga philosophy is going to strengthen you with a scriptural evidence proof yoga.
  • Introduction of Yoga
  • Origin of yoga
  • Different Paths of Yoga
  • Samkhya Darshan
  • Vedanta Darshan
  • Obstacles and how to overcome
  • Ashtanga yoga (8 limbs)
  • Yama
  • Niyama
  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Pratyahara
  • Dharna
  • Dhyana
  • Samadhi
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Pancha Koshas
  • Anamaya Kosha
  • Pranmaya Kosha
  • Manomaya Kosha
  • Jananmaya Kosha
  • Anandmaya Kosha
  • Human Anatomy
    • Introduction
    • Skeletal system
    • Joints
    • Muscular System
    • Digestive system
    • Respiratory system
    • Endocrine System
    • Nervous system
    • Physiology of Meditation
    • Lesson Planning, Practical and written session
    Physiology of Yoga Asana
    • Standing
    • Backbends
    • Forward bends
    • Twists
    • Inversions
    Mantras are repetitive hymns that benefit yoga practice and assist the yogi to awaken the self and extend the meditative and practical aspects of yoga. It facilitates peaceful vibrations for the practitioners and creates an atmosphere of serenity.

    Ganesha Mantra
    Gayatri mantra
    Guru Mantra
    Shanti Mantra
    Om Chanting
    You cannot effectively teach an Asana session unless you know how to devise modifications for the students who cannot perform the postures with ease. This class is focusing on the techniques to prepare variations of asana and the way to explain.
    This class focuses on creating syllabus that covers important Asana and the ideal method to teach them. You will learn how to adjust the poses.

    The practice of asana and pranayama is important for a yogi to solidify the mind, body and soul. You will be having rehearsals of numerous yogasana and techniques of pranayama to get the physical posture and enable the conscious and a proper control on the breath.
    Cleansing Practice
    • Kapalbhati
    • Neti
    • Tratak
    Standing yoga postures
    • Tadasana
    • Utkatasana
    • Padhastha asana
    • Utthita Trikonasana
    • Parivrit Trikonasana
    • Utthita parvakonasana
    • Parivrit Parvakonasana
    • Veerbhadrasana I
    • Veerbhadrasana II
    • Veerbhadrasana III
    • Ardha chandrasana
    • Parvottotanasana
    • Prasarit Padotanasana
    Inverted Yoga postures
    • Sirsasana
    • Sarvangasana
    • Halasana
    • Pincha Mayurasana
    • Adho Mukha Vrkshasana
    Back bend yoga postures

    Matsya Asana
    Setu Asana
    Rajkapot asana
    Forward bend and yoga postures

    Janu Shirsasana
    Ardh badh Padam Paschimottanasana
    Adho mukha savanasana
    Twisted toga postures

    Ardh matyendrasana
    Kati Chakrasana
    Markat Asana
    Parivrit Janu Shirsasana
    Balancing Yoga postures

    Bak dhyan asana
    Natraj Asana
    Relaxing yoga poses

    Breathing Yoga Postures

    Yogic Breathing
    Nadi Shodhan
    Meditative Yoga Postures

    Meditational Yoga Postures

    Yoga Nidra
    Mantra Chanting
    Yog Mudra

    Chin Mudra
    Yog mudra
    Gyan Mudra
    Vishnu mudra

    Daily Schedule for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    06:00 AM Wake Up
    06:30 AM Herbal Tea
    06:45 AM Yogic cleansing
    07:00 AM Chanting and Pranayama
    07:30 AM to 09:00 AM Yoga Asana
    09:00 AM Breakfast
    10:00 AM Yoga Anatomy
    11:30 AM Yoga philosophy
    01:00 PM Lunch
    03:00 PM to 04:00 PM Yoga methodology and alignment
    04:30 PM to 06:00 PM Yoga Asana
    06:00 PM to 07:00 PM Meditation
    07:00 PM Dinner
    10:30 PM Lights off

    How to prepare for a Yoga TTC

    Spend a little time on some yoga literature. Some yoga books can be recommended.

    • 1) Hatha Yoga pradipika by Swami Satyananda saraswati
    • 2) Light on Yoga by B.K.S Iyenger
    • 3) Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandhas
    • 4) The science of pranayama
    • 5) Bhagavad Gita
    • 6) Yoga anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
    • 7) Yoga in Daily Life

    Yoga Centre Discipline

    The 200 Hours yoga TTC at Rishikesh normally follows a time sensitive regimen. Your Day May begin at 5:30 am and go on until 9:00 Pm. It is important to be stick to a schedule and maintain discipline

    200 Hour Yoga teacher training Four Week Program Highlight

    Yoga orientation ceremony will be a day prior to the commencement of the course duration -Four weeks(28 Days)
    Week 1: Introduction to yoga
    Week 2: Deepening the yogic practices
    Week 3: Focus on deepening the practice, Adjustments and Corrections
    Week 4: Assessment, Evaluation and certification


    • 27 Nights Accommodation
    • Daily Nutritious Vegetarian meals and herbal tea
    • 2 Weekend excursions
    • Course Material will be provided (Note Book, Yoga Mat, Cleansing Kit)


  • Airfare is not included
  • Air Conditioner: 100 USD extra
  • Laundry service is not included
  • 200 Hour Yoga TTC - Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    The basic knowledge is necessary. But still we teach from the very root of yoga so its easy for you to understand that. The teachere are dedicated to share their knowledge with the students.
    We provide you a certificate recognised by the USA alliance which is valid all over the world. After the successful completion of the course you will become the certified yoga trainer.
    The stay includes 27 nights of accommodation with daily meals (Breakfast, Lunch and dinner), study materials, 2 Excursions. There will be a manager who will look after your comfortable stay.
    The Course deposit as well as course fees are non refundable. In case you have booked a course but unable to arrive, Your deposit cannot be returned but you can move your date to another batch and attend it without having to pay a deposit once again. In case of an emergency where you have to cancel the course after joining it, you can, but the fees you have submitted will not be refunded. The deposit amount will be valid for a period of one year after its paid. So you can enrol for any of the course later on, if you are unable to complete or start a course on the chosen dates.
    A yoga alliance certificate allows you to become a certified yoga teacher. It makes you eligible to create your own dream yoga studio.
    Special arrangement are made for the people who have some health concern. only just you need to inform this. The food quality is kept in mind as it is the main source of energy.

    200 Hour Yoga teacher training- Prerequisites

    • Attending all the classes along with the spiritual activities such as Mantra chanting, Meditation and ceremonies organised by the school.
    • Meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and nudity is prohibited during the course.
    • It is good to have a self-motivation throughout your practice. Your practice requires dedication, commitment and discipline.

    Yoga TTC Course Behavioural Guidelines

    • Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.
    • Inform the kitchen well in advance if you going to skip a meal so that food doesn’t get wasted.
    • Respect the teachers and be attentive during classes.
    • Maintain timeliness and avoid getting late to class so that you don’t have to miss out on important sessions.
    • Return all library books or anything else you have borrowed before the departure.
    • Actively participate and try to be present in all scheduled programmes even in weekend outings.
    • During stay if you have any other visitor, that is chargeable.

    General Rules

    • Regular home work should be completed
    • Silence should be maintained after 10 PM till morning.
    • All yoga classes are mandatory to attend unless you are ill.
    • As a part of the evaluation procedure there will be an assessment for certification
    • Eating and drinking is not allowed during yoga class. Only water is allowed.
    • Namaste yoga reserves the right to disqualify any student at anytime during the course for misconduct.
    • Use of electronic gadgets (i.e mobile phone,laptop,tablets) during lectures is strongly prohibited
    • During Asana practice leave all jewelry, books, extra clothing, purse, books, bag in your room.
    • Management expects all students to clear your practice space immediately after your practice.

    300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course

    India is the land of sages. Yoga has now spread all over the world. Although
    there are several yoga schools across the world, but still India is considered
    as one of the best places for learning and practising Yoga.
    300-hour yoga teacher training is a comprehensive yoga teacher training
    course which involves several forms of yoga-like Ashtanga, Vinyasa yoga,
    history and philosophy of Yoga, Hatha yoga, Mudra pose, Human anatomy
    along with Mantra chanting, Bandhas etc.

    In this yoga teacher training course, you will obtain a life rewarding
    Grab the best opportunity for deepening your self-practice, mounting a solid
    understanding of yoga asanas, meditation, philosophy and be an inspiring
    yoga teacher with an extensive 300-hour yoga teacher training.

    300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Namaste Yoga India

    At Namaste Yoga School, you will get a chance to get the authentic yoga learning experience. you will get the best yoga-practicing experience. A 300 Hour YTT helps you know the new version of your personality when you start radiating with love and peace.

    The Yoga Alliance approves the whole curriculum. The skilled teacher led by yogini Minakshi Dhankhar at Namaste yoga school share their traditional yogic and many years of experience through the detailed course. Namaste Yoga School introduces you to the proper lifestyle through Yoga.

    This 300 Hour Yoga teacher training program is designed to assist you and developed a deep understanding of yoga practices and to become a certified yoga teacher. This Yoga Alliance registered course focuses on building yoga teachers in deepening their knowledge of Yoga and meditation.

    They make sure students are at their full attention in class, proper help in using the props and freedom to be at their body.

    • Become an experienced, certified, qualified and registered yoga teacher from one of the best yoga schools in India.
    • You get this YTTC from the experienced yoga teachers.
    • Assignments and a final exam that will make you very knowledgeable in Yoga.
    • One month of training and lifetime learning.
    • we will help you to register your certificate with Yoga Alliance.
    • You can register with Yoga Alliance whenever you want.
    • Eligible for Advanced Level Certification Courses of Yoga Alliance.
    • A life-changing experience of spirituality from the birthplace of Yoga.

    RYT-300 certification & Yoga Alliance Affiliation

    Namaste Yoga School is a registered school affiliated from Yoga Alliance, USA. Students completing the training with our school will be eligible for doing registration with Yoga Alliance. All students can further take the desired way in their yoga journey as an established Yoga teachers on an international scale. 

    All students who complete 300 hours and RYT - 300 yoga training can easily register themselves as RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance.

    Why 300 YTTC With Namaste Yoga School?

    Why 300 YTTC With Namaste Yoga School?

    • An intensive course with a relaxing environment
    • Extra classes on Ayurveda.
    • Spirituality being the basis of the course
    • The scientific study of yogic practices
    • Meditative approach
    • A large library of Yoga books and Vedic scriptures
    • Modern Facilities
    • Clean, healthy, hygienic, and secure place
    • A vibe of family system with joy and happiness
    • An experience of a balanced life

    Why Are We Different?

    • A Dedication to create peace in students and teachers to bring harmony in the World
    • Achieve an awareness of peace and love globally
    • Unity creation in the world besides all religions, nationality, and cultures
    • Healthy lifestyle awareness through our trained teachers

    Eligibility for 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    300-hour yoga teacher training course is the best course for you-

    • Develop your own personal daily practice.
    • Develop the practice of pranayama, kriyas, mudras and Dhyana
    • Learn the relationship between anatomy and yogic practices.
    • Learn the Patanjali yoga sutra and learn how to incorporate them into the daily life and practice.
    • Learn to teach a class and learn how to structure a class.
    • Learn to design your own class.

    But there exist some pre-requisites to participate in an exclusive 300-hour Yoga TTC:

    • You hold a 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate with any yoga alliance registered yoga school.
    • In case you have not completed 200-Hour from yoga alliance registered school, you are still eligible to do this 300-hour yoga teacher training. In such a case, you will not be able register with Yoga Alliance International.

    Why 300 Hours YTT after 200-Hours YTT?

    • A 300-hour YTTC will assists you in increasing your skills. The program is specially designed for those who have a desire to upgrade their yoga practice and knowledge. 
    • A 300-hour yoga teacher training certificate course with Namaste yoga school is globally certified by Yoga Alliance, and this certification is identified and is valid everywhere in the world.
    • This course helps you in updating your skills and gives a boost to your confidence. Those who want to create a strong foundation of their practices and have a desire to deepen their knowledge of Yoga can join this course.
    • The professional yoga trainers of Namaste yoga school will offer in-depth knowledge of Asana, Philosophy, anatomy and meditation, Advanced adjustments, Prana and sequencing.
    • The experiences and the skills you gain from this 300-hour yoga teacher training in India will surely assist you in designing your own class. When you enrol on this course, we will be offered with a curriculum prepared with a proper approach of learning and practising. 
    • The 300-hour yoga teacher training offered by Namaste Yoga school aims to offer higher teaching and practices of the traditional forms of Yoga with spirituality.
    • The calm atmosphere with some of the best yoga teachers exposes you to various aspects of Yoga and how to acquire them to make others learn. We offer a complete atmosphere that assist you learning with concentration.
    • This training is perfect if youwish to grab some knowledge about Yoga and practice. While a 300-hourTTC helps lay the foundation of yoga teaching for all beginners, 300-hour yoga teacher training course assists by providing a deep understanding of Yoga.
    • You can get the knowledge of advanced Yoga and teaching skills. Once you complete this course, you can easily teach all beginners and the intermediate students with much confidence.

    Upcoming 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Course Dates Early bird fee (1 month earlier) Fee Booking Status
    1st Jan to 28th Jan 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Closed
    1st Feb to 28th Feb 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Ongoing
    1st Mar to 28th Mar 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Apr to 28th Apr 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st May to 28th May 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Jun to 28th Jun 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Jul to 28th Jul 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Aug to 28th Aug 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Sep to 28th Sep 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Oct to 28th Oct 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Nov to 28th Nov 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available
    1st Dec to 28th Dec 2024 1499 USD 1799 USD Available

    Note: Online Course Fee is USD 490 for 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.

    300 Hour Yoga Teacher training- Syllabus and Curriculum

    Mantras are repetitive hymns that benefit yoga practice and assist the yogi to awaken the self and extend the meditative and practical aspects of yoga. It facilitates peaceful vibrations for the practitioners and creates an atmosphere of serenity.

    • Ganesha Mantra
    • Gayatri mantra
    • Guru Mantra
    • Shanti Mantra
    • Om Chanting

    Standing Postures

    • Samasthiti
    • Sun salutation (A & B)
    • Padangushtasana
    • Pada hastasana
    • UtthitaTrikonasana
    • ParivrittaTrikonasana
    • UtthitaParshvakonasana
    • ParivrittaParshvakonasana
    • PrasaritaPadottanasana (A, B, C & D)
    • Parshvottanasana

    Finishing Postures

    • SalambaSarvangasana
    • Halasana
    • Karnapidasana
    • UrdhvaPadmasana
    • Pindasana
    • Matsyasana
    • UttanaPadasana
    • Shirshasana
    • BaddhaPadmasana
    • Yoga Mudra
    • Padmasana
    • UthPluthi (Tolasana)
    • Shavasana

    Intermediate Postures

    • Pashasana
    • Krounchasana
    • Shalabhasana A, B
    • Bhekasana
    • Dhanurasana
    • Parsvadhanurasana
    • Ustrasana
    • LaghuVajrasana
    • Kapotasana
    • SuptaVajrasana
    • Bakasana
    • Bharadvajasana
    • ArdhaMatsyendraasana
    • EkapadaSirsasana A, B, C
    • DwipadaSirsasana B
    • Yoga nidrasana
    • Tittibhasana A, B, C
    • PinchaMayurasana
    • Karandavasana
    • Mayurasana
    • Nakrasana
    • Vatayanasana
    • Parighasana
    • Gomukhasana A, B, C
    • SuptaUrdhvapadaVajrasana A, B
    • Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
    • Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D
    • UrdhvaDhanurasana
    • Drop back to UrdhvaDhanurasana
    • Paschimattanasana

    The primary objectives of Hatha Yoga is:-

    • Longevity and strength
    • Strengthen and quiet the mind 
    • Awaken the Kundalini 

    The basics will be thought so that the body can adjust for the advanced level. Once you gain the confidence to hold the postures for longer period, then progress which appears almost like a smooth flow.

    Listed below are the asana series that will be practiced:-

    • Sun Salutation 
    • Chakra awareness
    • Moon Salutation 
    • Standing intermediate and advance postures
    • Kneeling posture series
    • Sitting Posture series
    • Forward bending posture series
    • Backward bending posture series
    • Supinated posture series
    • Pronated postures series 
    • Inversion’s series
    • Twisting postures series
    • Balancing Postures series
    • Relaxing Posture series
    • Meditative asana series
    • You will be learning to create flows
    • Breath awareness
    • Continuous practice
    • Mudras plays an important role to uplift our energy easily.
    • Hast Mudra
    • Yoni mudra
    • Linga Mudra
    • Bhairava Mudra
    • Bhairavi Mudra
    • Energy Mudra
    • ViparitaKarnai Mudra
    • Mahabandha Mudra
    • Mahabheda Mudra
    • Kundalini Mudra
    • Ashwini Mudra
    • Vajroli Mudra
    • Sahajoli Mudra
    • Shambhavi Mudra


    Sound : Lam

    Location : Between anus and genitals

    Petal : Four Petals

    Color : Red



    Sound :Vam

    Location : At root of the genitals

    Petal : Six Petals

    Color : Orange



    Sound : Ram

    Location : Navel

    Petal : Ten Petals

    Color : Yellow



    Sound : Yam

    Location : Right of the physical heart

    Petal : Twelve Petals

    Color : Green/Pink



    Sound : Ham

    Location : Throat

    Petal : Sixteen Petals

    Color : Blue



    Sound : Om

    Location : Between the eyebrows

    Petal : Two Petals

    Color : Indigo



    Sound : Silence

    Location : Above the physical skull

    Petal : One Thousand Petals

    Color : Violet, Gold,White



    • Role of alignment in daily practice
    • How to balance chakras
    • Importance of alignment
    • Different aspects of alignment
    • Alleviate the risk of injuries
    • Understand the mobility of joints
    • Alignment based on muscles
    • Upper Limb and Lower Limb alignment
    • Head and neck alignment
    • Spinal alignment
    • Basic alignment
    • How to bring the body in balance
    • Create an equality between body and mind


    • What is Yoga adjustment?
    • Why adjustment is required?
    • Adjustments during yoga classes?
    • Right techniques of adjustment?
    • How to exercise a bandhas during yoga poses?
    • Exploring the variations of each yoga pose
    • How to self- adjust in a posture?
    • Methods of adjusting others during the class
    • Uses of props to achieve a proper posture
    • Body weight distribution
    Yoga Philosophy in this 300 Hour is much more intensive and in depth. We will be focusing on Patanjali yoga sutras, Karma yoga, Bhagwada Gita, Samkhya darshan etc.

    Week 1. Entering to the World  ofYoga Samadhi

    • What is Yoga
    • How to achieve Samadhi
    • Yoga discipline
    • Different states of mind
    • How to control the mind
    • Why Samadhi
    • Controlling right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep & memory
    • The benefit of practice & non attachment
    • How to master self-practice
    • Types of Samadhi
    • Know about born Yogi 
    • Different ways to achieve Samadhi
    • What is God
    • Obstacles of Yoga
    • Experience of highest Samadhi

    Week 2: Original practice of Yoga (Yoga Sadhana)

    • How to do Tapasya (Intense practice of Yoga)
    • How to do Swadhyaya (Self-Analysis, self-discovery)
    • How to do Self-surrender
    • Kriya Yoga
    • What is ignorance and emotional attachment
    • How to lesser your pain
    • How your past life influences your pain and pleasure
    • What is pleasure & pain (sukha&dukha)
    • How pain lives with you and how it generates and vanishes
    • Clear perception, right action, stability, control of sense organ and experience of self is the source of liberation
    • How to achieve total withdrawal and separation of mundane psychology
    • Vivekakhyati – insight discrimination
    • Eight limbs of yoga

    Week 3: Miracles and gift of Yoga (Vibhuti Yoga)

    • What is concentration?
    • What is meditation?
    • External and internal yoga
    • How a yogi knows the past and future
    • How do you understand the language of animals
    • How it’s possible to know about the past life
    • How a Yogi make their body’s invisible
    • How Yogi’s receive the knowledge of the entire cosmos
    • How cessation of hunger and thrust is achieved
    • How to acquire complete stillness
    • How can one have knowledge of mind
    • Siddhis are helpful or hindrance
    • How can one enter in another’s body
    • How can a Yogi walk on thorns and water
    • How can we achieve the divine sense of hearing
    • How can one make the body as light as cotton wool that can soar in sky
    • Achieving glorification and indestructibleness of the bodily qualities.

    Week 4: Life receive Endless Grace and freedom – Yoga Kaivalya

    • How Siddhi generates
    • How to achieve Kaivalya(liberation)
    • Revise: first week- Samadhi Yoga
    • Revise: second week –Sadhana Yoga
    • Revise Third week –Vibhuti Yoga
    • Revise fourth week – Kaivalya Yoga
    In this 300 hour Course our meditation becomes effortless, natural. Students are thought the advanced techniques of meditation by which one can master the true Self.

    Meditation Timetable

    • Week 1: Strengthening Foundation of meditation
    • Week 2: Deepen the focus and mindfulness
    • Week 3: Advanced meditation techniques
    • Week 4: Awareness Practice


    • What is mind and why meditation?
    • Why mind becomes restless?
    • Brain waves during meditation
    • Importance of music in meditation
    • Emotional purification
    • Remembering the past
    • How to reach samadhi


    • Advancing your foundation in meditation
    • Awareness and mindfulness
    • Jyoti Tratak meditation
    • Nada Meditation Practices
    • Advance mantra meditation
    • Active Meditation Practices
    • Dynamic meditation
    • Contemplative walking
    • Meditation for Muladhar Chakra
    • Meditation for Swadhisthana Chakra
    • Meditation for Manipura Chakra
    • Meditation for Anahata Chakra
    • Meditation for Visuddhi Chakra
    • Meditation for Ajna Chakra
    • Meditation for Sahasrara Chakra
    • Kundalini Meditation
    • Vipasana Meditation Practices
    • Breath Awareness Practice
    • Mindfulness and Sensation
    • Mantra Japa
    • Silence Practice
    Yoga and Ayurveda works together as a science, Ayurveda is about proper health management and is a science of self-healing that all trainees need to understand in order to upskill the students. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda class.

    Basic Principles and Introduction Of Ayurveda

    • Fundamentals of Ayurveda 
    • Tridoshas- ( Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
    • Prakriti- Know Your Constitution
    • PanchaMahabhuta
    • Prakriti (Body Constitution)
    • Vikarti
    • Sapata Dhatu (Body Elements)
    • Mala (Waste Products)
    • Sarotas (Body Channels)
    • Agni (Digestive Fire)
    • Kosta (Alimentary Tract)
    • Ama (metabolic toxins)

    Yoga Anatomy is one of the most important subjects for yoga teachers, as a Yogi has to know what his body is doing while practicing Yoga, as well as knowing the limitations of the body.

    Physical Anatomy

    • Cells and Tissues
    • Function of cells
    • Digestive system
    • Circulatory system
    • Endocrine system
    • Skin Anatomy
    • Yoga and physical transformation
    • Hormone secretion in Yoga
    • Effects of pranayama in respiratory system
    • Effects of Yoga practice in digestive system
    • Muscular and skeletal system
    • how to avoid injury in asana class
    • Anatomy of pelvic griddle and spine

    Spiritual Anatomy

    • Energy channel
    • Anatomy of Muladhara Chakra
    • Anatomy of Swadhisthana Chakra
    • Anatomy of Manipura Chakra
    • Anatomy of Anahata  Chakra
    • Anatomy of Visuddhi Chakra
    • Anatomy of Ajna Chakra 
    • Anatomy of Sahasrara Chakra
    •  Chakras 
    • Kundalini 
    • Panchakosha

    In this 300 hour you will grab the knowledge to elevate the practice techniques to stimulate our blocked energy.

    Here is what you will learn:

    • Energy Locks and kundalini awakening
    • Unblock your system with the flow of energy
    • Unlocking theknots, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
    • Precautions
    • Health with spiritual benefits

    Practices (Beginners and Intermediate Level)

    • Agnisar kriya
    • Advancing the internal retention
    • Advancing the external retention
    • Mulabandha – anal lock
    • Uddiyana Bandha – abdominal lock
    • Jalandhara Bandha – throat lock
    • Maha Bandha – great lock
    • Hasta Band-hand lock
    • Pada Bandha- Feet lock

    In this 300 Hours Yoga teacher training course pranayama is taught at an advanced level so that trainees can experience the deeper powers of the prana. You will learn how pranayama can be used to heal body and mind. So that in the end of the course you will have skills to educate others.

    Weekly stages of experience.

    • Week 1:Moving towards the advancement of pranayama practices
    • Week 2: Variations and experiments
    • Week 3: Breathing for nadis and chakras
    • Week 4: Teaching practices and advancing the practice

    Discussion for study of Pranayama:

    • Pranayama- link of happiness
    • Physiology of prana
    • Elements in nature of prana
    • Prana body types
    • Prana and it routes
    • How prana flows in the body
    • Relationship between prana & consciousness
    • Number of breaths we take
    • Research on prana - to obtain favourable outcome
    • Health parameter with breath length

    Practices of Pranayama

    • Upper chest -Clavicular Pranayama
    • Middle chest - Thoracic Pranayama
    • Diaphragmatic Pranayama
    • Full body Yogic Pranayama
    • Om Chant Pranayama
    • Nadishodhanam Pranayama
    • Bhastrika  Pranayama
    • Kapalbhati Pranayama
    • Bhramari Pranayama
    • Ujjayi Pranayama
    • Shitli Pranayama
    • Shitkari Pranayama
    • Surya bhedi Pranayama
    • Chandra bhedi Pranayama

    Practicing Shatkarma will detox you and prepares you to understand your inner being. By removing the physical, mental and emotional durt you enter into your real Self. That is why Shatkarma is very important to practice. In this advanced course students are thought advanced Shatkarma that demands expert guidance and care.

    • Understanding the 11 major systems 
    • Why purification is necessary 
    • What does the scriptures of Hatha Yoga Pradipikasay
    • Precautions

    Knowledge imparted

    • Vamana Kriya
    • VastraDhauti
    • Laghu Sankha Prakyalana
    • Nauli Kriya
    • Vyaghra Kriya
    • Demonstration
    • Alignment
    • Instructions

    Daily Schedule for 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    Everysession is important. Not just learning from the teachers and scriptures but by stayingdisciplined in our school and following the whole schedule will also teach you so much. You may have different habits of your daily life but by following the whole program, you will get a greater chance to bring the right changes which you will see the difference in the end. You will start seeing the world with a new way.

    All classes are mandatory. Only in the case of an emergency or illness, you can take leave with the permission of your teachers.

    06:20 AM - 07:20 AM Pranayama and Shatkarma
    07:30 AM - 09:00 AM Hatha Yoga
    09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast
    10:45 AM - 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy
    12:00 AM - 01:00 PMY Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/Teaching Methodology
    01:15 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch
    02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Yoga Therapy
    03:45 PM - 04:45 PM Yoga Philosophy
    05:00 PM - 06:30 PM Ashtanga Yoga
    07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Meditation
    08.00 PM – 09:00 PM Dinner


    • 27 Nights Shared Accommodation
    • Yoga Books 
    • Notebooks and pens
    • Cleansing Kits, Japa Mala
    • Fire Ceremony
    • Evaluation/Assessment Diary
    • Evening outside Meditation
    • Daily Nutritious Vegetarian meals, juices and teas
    • Local sightseeing
    • Weekend excursions
    • Study tours to different ashrams and temples
    • Free taxi pick-up from the nearest Airport
    • Washing Machine usage
    • 2 Towels for the month and bed sheets changed every Sunday


    • Private Accommodation (An additional 300 USD)
    • Air-conditioning (An additional 150 USD)
    • Women herbal beauty, share wearing and many more with the help of local ladies

    Accommodation, Food & Yogic Diet AtNamaste Yoga school

    What is Yogic Diet

    Our body is made up of five elements and food also contains five elements and has six tastes. When we consume food that contains all nutrition values is called a balanced diet or yogic diet. The whole science of Ayurveda is based on some principles. Everyone has different taste. This is not only because of the taste habits but it is because of what actually our body needs. When we consume food without having proper knowledge of what our body needs, we create illness/diseases. However, when we consume food that has all the necessary elements, we are healthy and satisfied. 

    Yogic food contains proper nutrients which is needed by our body to grow. Consuming too little or too much food is also very risky for our health, so a holistic diet is very important. Yogis always avoid tamasic food like meat, egg, etc. Avoiding tamasic food helps you become more flexible and balnced mind. That is why it is called that the way we eat the way we become.

    A healthy diet consists of green vegetables, fresh fruits, lentils, beans, plant-based oils like coconut, mustard, peanuts etc. This kind of food is easy to digest and makes us feel lighter, at peaceful, and conscious. Our food should be more liquified and less solid.


    You will experience the most comfortable and luxurious stay at our school


    Our Yoga School cares about your health so that we serve the most healthy, delicious and vegetarian/vegan diet for you. According to Indian science of health (Ayurveda) the nature of the body is completely dependent on food. If food is good, so is your health is good and peace of mind is maintained.

    You will receive Morning Juice, Brunch, and Dinner

    8:00 AM - A large glass of green vegetable or fruit juice everyday

    10.30 AM - An open buffet brunch with roti, lentils, green veg, salads, fruits, sweet, rice, pickles, papad etc

    2.00 PM - Herbal / Masala Tea

    7.00 PM - Dinner; Roti/Sabji, Khir/Chila, Khichdi/papad, pasta, soup, salads, herbal teas and more

    9.00 PM - Evening Drink; A glass of Cow's milk. For those who do not drink Cow's milk, there is a variety of herbal teas available (Soya or almond milk is not available).
